Do you want to meet new people, make a difference in the community, or share your skills?
Then consider Volunteering! Hear from volunteer providers and listen to people currently in the volunteer sector. You will learn about:
- The benefits of volunteering
- The volunteering opportunities available
- Identifying the skills that you have to contribute to volunteering
- Rights and responsibilities of volunteers and volunteer involving agencies
- How to find the right volunteering position.
The opportunities are endless, and assistance is available starting with a Step into volunteering session. Light refreshments provided.
Location: Duncraig Public Library, Cnr Warwick Road and Marmion Avenue
Date: Thursday 23 May
Time: 2:00pm – 3:30pm
Cost: FREE – Click here to register
Can’t make it to this session? Step Into Volunteering sessions are running each month until December at various libraries across the City of Joondalup.