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Our Team of Volunteers and Consultants

Administration Team


Miriam Lamont


The wonderful Miriam Lamont is our receptionist two afternoons a week, being the smiling face that our guests see when they arrive on those days.

In addition, Miriam keeps us all informed about station and music news in our weekly newsletter which is distributed by email to all members and subscribers every Sunday.

Thanks Miriam we wouldn’t know what was happening without you.

Membership Administrator

Deborah Czerkasow


Deb is the lady behind the scenes who ensures our membership system stays up to date and deals with any membership related queries including membership renewals and membership payment assistance.

Deb also coordinates our monthly membership basket process, collecting the baskets from our sponsor and contacting the lucky winner as well as keeping our kitchen stocked full of coffee, tea, milk and biscuits!





Lesley has been a member of 89 7FM for a few years and spends two days per week helping us with the accounts and finance requirements of the station.

Lesley is responsible for accounts payable and receivable, assisting with budget information and ATO requirements as well as providing general assistance to the Station Manager when needed.

Always good for a laugh and a joke, we are truly thankful for Lesley’s assistance.

Information Technology

IT Consultant

Ben Connors


Ben is an 89 7FM Life Member and is the powerhouse and architect behind our IT systems. He liaises with the Station Manager on a constant basis to deal with IT and technical issues and also provides input to the overall IT direction of the station, and for that we are eternally grateful!

Ben spends much of his time working full time in his IT career, however, he always finds time to help us here at 89 7FM.

Website Consultant

Martin Taylor


Martin works in the background, keeping our website looking great from a programming perspective. He runs his own IT consulting business and is very knowledgeable about all things “Word Press” and donates his time to help us when needed.

Martin also does our website updates on a regular basis to ensure our website continues to operate efficiently.

People and Culture

Training Coordinator

Bill Crowe


Bill is usually the first face that our Announcer and Volunteer members see after accepting a role at the station as he is responsible for administering all our induction requirements.

Not only does Bill induct our members he also assists in training requirements for the station and is always willing to lend a hand when we need it.

“Uncle Bill” thanks for your efforts and your bright and enthusiastic personality!

Risk Coordinator

Lesley Gregory


Lesley has joined the Team of 89 7FM in 2024 and is responsible for administering our WHS and Risk requirements.

These responsibilities include our WHS inspections, Risk Registers, SDS, Audits and generally ensuring that our station is a safe and healthy place to enjoy for all.

Lesley has a background in finance and is enjoying her involvement with a community organisation like 89 7FM.

Programming Team

Programming Coordinator

Anna Italiano


Anna has been with 89 7FM for a number of years and has the overall responsibility for our playlist programming.

Anna works tirelessly in the background to ensure that we go to air each and every day, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, without her running our digital music system we would not be able to function.

Anna is truly “The Wizzard” and we all know and appreciate what she does.


Greg Green


Greg is the quiet achiever of our programming team, always reliable, working closely with Anna to ensure our programming music playlists are in place on time.

Greg is at the station two days a week, constantly checking our programming schedules once generated to ensure the mix of music is just right.

Thank you, Greg for your help, and the endless supply of dad jokes!


Carter Farrell


Carter is one of our success stories, having initially started his involvement at 89 7FM as part of our school’s work placement program.

Following his completion of Year 12 he accepted the role of Production Assistant and is largely the “voice” of our sweepers, promos and jingles heard on a daily basis on air.

He is at the station, one day a week, recording and producing our material and we are so very proud to have him as part of the team.

Outside Broadcast Coordinator

Melissa Pearsall


Melissa assists Kim Harrison to make our outside broadcasts happen on a monthly basis.

Our outside broadcasts provide us an opportunity to broadcast live from various community events and venues as we bring the music to the people.

Melissa is new to broadcasting and is honing her skills at 89 7FM, she has an interest in music and helping the community.

Welcome aboard Melissa, we look forward to working with you.


Jasmine Eales


Jasmine has joined the team of 89 7FM in 2024 bringing her wealth of communications experience to the team.

Jasmine provides our website post updates for both station news and community updates as well as providing regular communication updates to our announcers and members.

Jasmine also assists with the movie review on “The Friday Morning Show” with Mark Pisarskis and we are very thankful to have her on board.

Social Media Coordinator

Stephen Herbert


“Sherbz” is part of the furniture at 89 7FM, having been a station member since 2016. In addition to hosting our “Disco Inferno” program on a Saturday evening he is also responsible for manning our 89 7FM Facebook page, regularly posting station and community news, program information and other information to keep you up to date on a daily basis.

Steve loves many genres of music, not just disco and has a wealth of music knowledge.

Thanks Steve, we would be lost without your efforts!

Social Media Coordinator

Louisa Keron


Louisa is not often seen at the station these days due to her full-time work commitments however that doesn’t stop her assisting with our social media, particularly our Instagram page.

Louisa works remotely and provides updates to Instagram and is a valued part of the team.

Louisa thoroughly enjoys being part of the team at 89 7FM and we have thankful for her input.